Do more perspectives lead to more information, or radicalisation?
Forming Reality is about the various perceptions of reality. How there is a difference in individual and shared experiences and how our mind plays tricks on us when we are secluded too long.
The installation consists of a 10 x 10 metre dome and a 240° projection surface filled with (manipulated) imagery. The concept is based on research on various research on the alteration of reality (drugs, technology, religion, perception, culture, nurture, art and architecture, etc.) This research resulted in the sentence "
Alone we interpret reality, together you form it"
leading to the creation of the following installation concept.
Imagery of local places is shown within the dome, it is when viewed solitary the visuals become increasingly distorted.
Rough coding concept
Visual code
Program used: Touch Designer
TD is an open source node-based coding program with live feedback options. Ideal for interactive artworks.
The 240° dome
In order to have a fully immersive experience ideally the whole canvas should be covered. But considering this is quite difficult with modern technology and I did not want people interfering with the projectors the dome resulted in being split in three. 120° is dedicated to a walking area for visitors. The other 240° is the projection canvas.