The concept is based around the two dutch terms Zwerfgeest & Zwermgeest, which define a difference between the mind that wanders and the mind that follows the crowd. The words in dutch have merely a letter difference.

2 viewers

2 viewers

2 viewers
6 viewers

4 viewers
Does the combination of more perspectives lead to more information, noise or even radicalisation?
We have views and with it opinions, and discuss them and see what “new” it creates. Our views cancel each other when disagreed, empower each other and give us an unquestionable faith, or question each other and bring us topic for discussion. Our views overlap, contradict, exclude, dominate, merge and so much more incomprehensible in a few sentences.
I am doing an ongoing study into these overlaps of views, how views when left alone too long can become extremist or more creative than ever before. What enables this? In this work these different views and ideas are simulated by picking from the World Wide Web point-of-view videos displaying an experience had by someone. The amount of people watching will influence the amount and merging of the imagery. (see technical explanation for details)
The content of the films I should not have a hand in, to give the most diversely accurate representation of what is filmed in everyday life..
technical plan