June 2020
Interactive installation consisting of 2 physical elements & 3 projectors.
my role: projector setup & digital workable files + help with content creation
"How much data does a person use in life? And if I were to print my data, how many archives would it fill?" - E

During World War II, population registers were used to track down Jewish people. But those registers then contained only 1% of the information that we give away nowadays on the Internet.
Nowadays, personal data is becoming more and more valuable. Companies trade in our information and it is becoming unclear who exactly is getting their hands on our data. Where is our security? And shouldn't we value our privacy more? "Privacy used to be a matter of life and death. Shouldn't we have learnt from that?"
In Track & Trace an archive/cabinet is filled with Elianne's own information, gathered in the timespan of a month by collecting route data, images from online clouds, and more, put side-to-side with information about data collection during WW2. All this, by means of projection on the sides of the cabinet.
Different narratives and information on the subject is divided over 24 model archives attached to a wall. Archives are accessed by means of selecting one, on which it opens on the big physical cabinet. Hence, each of the 24 model archives represent a different information stream from Elianne's month of collecting (side views) combined with a story about data collection in the past (top view) and are to be explored freely and in any order by the viewer.
DISPLAY - the archive selector

WRAPS as shown in the Technical Outline
WRAP (1) - The Resistants
for privacy reasons the first image consisting personal photo material is blurred in this online display. The physical version is unblurred.

WRAP (2) - Locations


Due to the size of the project and available timespan, the installation as exhibited in June 2020 was a display version, unfinished. Therefore a loading screen was added to represent the loading of unavailable archives.

WRAP (5) - the next archive
After selecting another archive, the cabinet will display the archive being loaded

technical outline for the installation
My part I helped purely in the technical area; All the research had been done and the concept been finalised, the last month would be dedicated to the creation of it all. Here, I helped to devise and set up the technology and plan that projects all sides of the archive and prevent limiting the visitor's freedom of movement as little as possible. I also got involved in the production of content and creating a structure for the different (interactive) film parts.